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Portfolio Summary 2018-2019 and Log of Books & Materials

Elijah about to enjoy some tasty vegan food at B52 Cafe

This year was Elijah's first year of "high school", so we decided to begin keeping transcripts and credits for the learning he has done. While much of the learning was generalised, there were some cohesive themes or subjects that were both planned and that came together organically over the course of the year.

Elijah was given the following credits for this school year:
1.0 -- English: Historical Linguistics Problems
1.0 -- Maths: Math Analogies and Logic
1.0 -- Science: Circuitry & Redstone Engineering
1.0 -- Social Studies: World History of Culture, Money, & Economies
1.0 -- Music: Music Appreciation & Compositional Arrangements
0.5 -- Home Economics: General Cooking & Baking
.25 -- Health, Safety, & Physical Education -- 0.25 credit
0.5 -- Elective: Game Theory & Analysis
6.25 -- Total Credits

English: Historical Linguistic Problems

Elijah spent considerable time studying the phonological, grammatical, and semantic changes of various languages throughout history. Some aspects of this course of study included: comparing similarities/differences of languages, exploring parent/child languages, language evolution, genetic relationship problems, and sound changes. Some of the resources and materials relating to this topic include:

Random House Webster's Pocket Grammar, Usage, and Punctuation (Random House)
Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World (Ostler)
Historical Linguistics (Campbell)
101 Problems and Solutions in Historical Linguistics: A Workbook (Blust)
The Conlanger's Lexipedia (Rosenfelder)
Babel: The Language Magazine
Reading to Hazel (toddler sibling)
Communist Manifesto

*YouTube Channels (YT)/Podcasts (PC)*
NativLang (YT: language history)
Conlangery (PC: constructed languages)
Speculative Grammarian (PC: linguistic satire)
Language Made Difficult (PC: linguistic news)

*Websites/General Research*
Historical Linguistic Problems (wikipedia)
Intro to Historical Linguistics
Historical Linguistics: Language Change
Language Evolution and Human History: What a Difference a Date Makes
Counting in Latin 0-20
Subject Verb Agreement
Future Perfect Tense
Names of the months and days of the week
Autological words

Punderdome (puns!/card/creative writing)
Pitchstorm (problem-solving/acting/creative writing/card)

*Other Resources*
International Phonetic Alphabet (I.P.A.) Chart
Word Origin 2019 Day-to-Day Calendar
Sub Reddit Community r/conlangs (constructed languages)

*Etymology/Definition List*
catalogue, aspen, asp, derivatives, grosse messer, pico de gallo, raucous, ruckus, ruction, rumpus, turmoil, confit, ark, orchard, con-, deprive, depravation, privation, strawberry, cranberry, wyrd, weird, dish, penny, oy vey, oy gevalt, mushroom, bat, stationary, stationery, unicorn, tree, pumpernickel, skillet

The first 4 problems from the workbook on Historical Linguistic Problems that Elijah worked through, typing his answers.

Maths: Math Analogies & Logic -- 1.0 credit

This year Elijah wanted to focus more on logic, mathematical theories, and having fun with maths in an effort to strengthen his mathematical skills, broaden his use of logic, hone his deductive reasoning abilities, and to learn more creative and innovative ways to approach problems. Elijah decided to utilise some traditional workbooks in this course of study and he also completed Khan Academy's Math for Fun and Glory Unit. Some of the resources and materials relating to this topic include:

Balance Benders: Logic and Algebraic Reasoning Puzzles, Level 3, Grades 8-12 (Femiano)
Math Analogies Level 4, Grades 8-9 (Beigie)
Mind Benders: Deductive Thinking Skills, Book 7, Grades 7-12+ (Harnadek)

*YouTube Channels*
Numberphile (maths/logic)

*Websites/General Research*
Autological numbers
Platonic Solids (regular, convex polyhedra)

Valley Monument (puzzle/maze/Kindle)
Valley Monument 2 (puzzle/maze/Kindle)
Juice Jam (puzzle/connect 3/Kindle)
UNO (strategy/maths/card)
Golf (strategy/maths/card)
Qwixx (strategy/maths/dice)
Fluxx Math (strategy/maths/card)
Scribblenauts Showdown (problem-solving/PS4)
One Night Ultimate Werewolf (strategy/card/LARP)
Assassins (strategy/group LARP)
LBP3 (platformer/problem solving/PS4)
Scribblenauts Remix (problem-solving/Kindle)
Dominoes (strategy/maths)
Qwirkle (tile-based/pattern/strategy/points)
Settlers of Catan Junior (resource-based/strategy)

*Other Resources*

Page from the Math Analogies Level 4 workbook that Elijah worked through.

Science: Circuitry & Redstone Engineering -- 1.0 credit

Everyone loves Minecraft for various reasons and Elijah is no different. He has been playing the game for almost 8 years! In the time, he had not done much with redstone, the Minecraft equivalent to real world electric circuitry. He started at square one and worked his way through all of the aspects of redstone, creating everything from simple switches to open doors or turn on lights to clocks, calculators, and combination locks to complex machines. Some of the resources and materials relating to this topic include:

Minecraft: Guide to Redstone (The Official Minecraft Team)

*Websites/General Research*
Minecraft Redstone 101
Engineering with Redstone

Minecraft (building/survival/Kindle, PC, PS4)

Screenshot of the circuitry for a type of clock that Elijah built
Video of an armour elevator that Elijah built. Imagine a rotating closet of armour.
Video of a combination lock to open a door that Elijah built.
Video of the TNT launcher that Elijah built.

Social Studies: World History of Culture, Money, & Economies -- 1.0 credit

Elijah inherited a fire proof case full of various coins and paper money from all over the world. In setting out to learn the origin, history, and collector's value of some of the money, he was able to discover a lot of history about many countries, discuss various events and aspects of culture that influenced the economy and money in those countries, investigate the evolution of money in various countries, and identify various monies from all over the globe accumulated by 3 generations of collectors. Some of the resources and materials relating to this topic include:

The Official Red Book: A Guide Book of United States Coins 2017
Photograde: Official Photographic Grading Guide for United States Coins
The History of Money: From Bartering to Banking (Jenkins & Kitamura)
NatGeo Kids

*YouTube Channels (YT)/Podcasts (PC)*
Extra History (YT: world history)
WonderWhy (YT: geography/history)
EmperorTigerStar (YT: history/geography)
Tom Scott (YT: educational travel)
QI: No Such Thing as a Fish (PC: trivia/news/humour)

Columbia: Wild Magic (geography/ecology/Portuguese)

*Websites/General Research*
Russia continent
History of Paper Money - Origins of Exchange - Extra history
When -- and Why -- Did the First People Start Using Money?

*Other Resources*
maps & atlases

Some of the coins that Elijah researched the history & collector's value of

Music: Music Appreciation & Compositional Arrangements -- 1.0 credit

Elijah spent the year listening to different kinds of music, learning about different instruments from around the world, continuing to dabble with playing the guitar, and using MuseScore to compose and arrange pieces of music. Some of the resources and materials relating to this topic include:

*YouTube Channels*
8-bit Music Theory (music theory)
JJay Berthume (music composition)

How Music Works (Howard Goodall/music theory)

*Websites/General Research* (music composition)
Funeral/Death Marches (Chopin)
Doom Metal & Derivatives
Playlist Created by Elijah
Playlist Created by Michele for Elijah
List of Percussion Instruments
Brass Instruments
String Instruments
Woodwind Instruments
Musical Terms & Concepts

*Other Resources*
The Wheel of Harmony and Music Theory Equations

Elijah helping his sibling learn how to use a midi sequencer

Home Economics: General Cooking & Baking -- 0.50 credit

Elijah has taken an interest in being more involved with cooking, baking, grocery shopping, list making, and meal planning with the family this year. He has served as sous chef to his father for approximately two to three meals per week. His ability to safely and efficiently use chef and paring knives has greatly improved. He has also become increasingly adventurous in trying new foods! Some of the resources and materials relating to this topic include:

Eating Well

*YouTube Channels*
Binging With Babish (cooking/baking)

Some of the food that Elijah helped prepare and plan over the year

Health, Safety, & Physical Education -- 0.25 credit

Elijah enjoys spending time at the park chasing around his toddler sibling, going for leisurely walks, and engaging in some live action games like Assassin and Werewolf. As a family we reviewed our safety plans and exit routes in the case of a house fire and other emergencies. We also have ongoing discussions regarding online safety, consent, bodily autonomy, LGBTQIA+ issues, and staying healthy. Some of the resources and materials relating to this topic include:

*Websites/General Research*
Discussion about medical psychedelics community and how they leave out the POC community

Shadow Tag (variation of tag/PE)
Werewolf (LARP/party card game)
Assassin (LAG)

*Other Experiences* 
Childcare/Domestic Care
Drag Queen Story Hour (CLP-Allegheny)
LGBTQIA2S+ & Ally Teen Mingle Party @ the Springer's
Gender Creative Playgroup | Pittsburgh

Elijah has been a wonderful older brother who enjoys reading to his younger sibling at home & the library and he enjoys helping his sibling build and create things

Game Theory & Analysis -- 0.25 credit

Elijah still has a strong interest in game design, how games work, and world building for games. He has shifted his focus more towards table top and card games and less from video games. He has a real interest in how key elements of cards in Magic: The Gathering (MTG) can greatly impact the course of a match if any of the attributes of a card are changed or if a card is naturally overpowered. Card complexity in MTG has definitely taught Elijah how strong cause and effect can be in collectable card games. Some of the resources and materials relating to this topic include:

*YouTube Channels*
Extra Credits (analysis of gaming)
Polygon | Unraveled: Absurdly Comprehensive Game Lore (gaming lore)
PESfilms (award winning stop motion)

Artifexian (world building)
TapTapConcede (Magic: The Gathering)

Ready Player One

*Websites/General Research* (database of card games)

Magic: The Gathering (collectable card)
Pandemic (cooperative/epidemiology/tabletop)

*Other Resources*
Sub Reddit Community r/magictcg (Magic: The Gathering)

Part of a message from Elijah to his grandmother explaining why he likes Minecraft so much

Various games that Elijah has played this year (L to R & clockwise: Settlers of Catan Junior, Qwirkle, MTG, Pitchstorm, Fluxx Math, and Recall of Cthulhu. 

Additional Resources & Materials

The Witch's Flower
Hawaii Five-0 (reboot)
Meet the Robinsons
A Wrinkle In Time
Steven Universe

*Websites/General Research*
Hag Moth Caterpillar
Marsupial Frogs
Arachnids (wiki)
Atlas, Farnese Atlas, Celestial Spheres

*Other Resources*

*Other Experiences*
Teen Anime Club (CLP-Woods Run)
Teen Action Movie Matinee (CLP-Woods Run)

Puss Caterpillar (Hag Moth)

Attendance Statement:

In accordance with the Pennsylvania Home Education Law, I attest that "a minimum of one hundred eighty (180) days of instruction OR nine hundred (990) hours of instruction per year at the secondary level" have occurred this year for Elijah.

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